
He Sucks !

Setup: Bennett has been slowly learning to use a sippy cup. For a while, he would allow the cup to go into his mouth, but just think the contents will just pour into his mouth. He's finally starting to learn the sucking part...and the kids are well aware of his progress.

Jamie was out somewhere with all 3 kids, when a friend asked the kids, "how is your baby brother doing?"

Connor: "he sucks!!"

Finding a Mate

Driving the kids around tonight, doing some Mother's day shopping.

Connor: "Daddy, when Avery and I are Mommy and Daddy..."
Avery: "No Connor...I have to find a new boy!"
Connor: "Ya, and I have to find a new girl. Where are we going to find them?"
Avery: "You have to look around! Maybe school, maybe after..."