- Lego Log Cabin
- Japanese erasers
- Harry Potter Hogwarts Lego set
- Civilization V (PC game)
- Harry Potter Train Lego set
- Club Penguin membership
- Kindle
- Trip to Orange Bowl (GO CARD!)
Other presents:
Avery - iPod, puzzles, loops memory game, earring holder, coin collecting book, snow globe
Connor - iPod, marbles, books, Lego Whitehouse architecture, coin collecting book
Bennett - Batman stuff, couple DS games,
XBox 360 Kinect sensor, Kinect Sports, Sonic (Kinect)
Nancy: 1 yr Subscription to Geocaching Mag (FTF). here.
Cliff: split with Cheri/Dann to get standard yearly Ren Spooner (?) shirt
Zack & Adam: backpacks to hold their new laptops