
Christmas 2010

From Santa:

  • Lego Log Cabin
  • Japanese erasers
  • Harry Potter Hogwarts Lego set
  • Civilization V (PC game)
  • Harry Potter Train Lego set
  • Club Penguin membership
  • Kindle
  • Trip to Orange Bowl (GO CARD!)

Other presents:
Avery - iPod, puzzles, loops memory game, earring holder, coin collecting book, snow globe
Connor - iPod, marbles, books, Lego Whitehouse architecture, coin collecting book
Bennett - Batman stuff, couple DS games,

XBox 360 Kinect sensor, Kinect Sports, Sonic (Kinect)


Nancy: 1 yr Subscription to Geocaching Mag (FTF). here.
Cliff: split with Cheri/Dann to get standard yearly Ren Spooner (?) shirt
Zack & Adam: backpacks to hold their new laptops


Great Quotes by Ben

Heard part of Joan Jett's I love rock and roll on the radio, and Ben a bit later was singing it.

I love rock and roll, put another diamond in the juice box baby ...
Classic. The kids and I were rolling. Now it's stuck in all of our heads, but when we sing his verse out loud, he says
Stop singing that - I copyrighted it!
We were driving around in downtown Carlsbad after bailing on Pizza Port for dinner. Looking for any other choices to eat, and calling out what we see. Ben throws out:
We could eat at the "shuh-shee bar" (Sushi Bar).
Kids started ROLLING !!