
Ben's Epic Day v2

Last time Ben and Daddy were solo, he had an epic day.  Today was v2.

Jamie and Avery are in OC watching a water polo tourney (Stanford and Maggie Steffens are there, Avery dying to see it, take a picture with her).   Connor in Fallbrook at MP/Ya Ya's for hoops tourney tomorrow, and Ben and Dan are at home for hoops, soccer, and hoops tomorrow.

Today's Schedule

  • Basketball practice.  Tolerated it, as it's the last one of the season.
  • Home Depot - kids craft.  Built a wood fire truck.
  • Einstein Bagels - chocolate chip bagel with cream cheese (Daddy got one too, but with butter)
  • Arena Soccer at the Y - Hayden's first time playing with the team, and they score with 15 seconds left to break the tie and win!
  • Hayden, Peter Rubin, Emily Nelson come up to the house and play most of the afternoon.
  • Soup Plantation
  • Star Trek: Next Generation, episode 1 on NetFlix
Whew - is there anything else that you'd rather be doing? 


Star Trek

Jamie got Ben hooked on Star Trek this week.  Watched the movie (which one?).

Later in the week, Ben was reading with Ya Ya for a long time, then finally headed to bed.  As he was walking up the stairs he says:

Live Long and Prosper Grandma...