
Ben Baseball - Breakout Game and Quotes

Ben has been playing Pinto (machine pitch) league this year - a "play up" from T-ball age since his bday is right on the border line. It's been a long road this season learning how to hit, but he's been super patient throughout all the strikeouts (6 pitches) and now towards the end, making connections more and more frequently.

This week, in the first game of the playoffs, Ben had a "breakout game". Went 4-for-4 and scored 3 of those times. The 4th hit was a "shot" right back up the middle on the LEFT side of the pitching machine -- first time EVER hitting to the left side (almost always behind on the swing). Awesome!

Some classic quotes by Ben after the game, when describing it to Mommy:

Coach Runner said I batted 1000. (What does that mean?) I have no idea.
I made it to "4th base" 3 times!

Update 05/22
Ben had another good game yesterday - turns out to be their final game of the season. Lost by 1 run in the quarter finals of the playoffs. Ben was 2-for-3 with one of the hits a hard grounder through the 5-6 hole to the outfield! Awesome!

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